a turtle
5 years ago
character heights, builds, and voices because GOD I MISS MEMES
latest #43
a turtle
5 years ago
I only have one active DWRP character, so I'm gonna self-indulge and do my D&D roster because Fight Me
a turtle
5 years ago
Eska is 5'8" when they're standing upright, which puts them on the average-to-shortish end of the scale.
a turtle
5 years ago
canon natural tortle posture is a bit more stooped, so I imagine that Eska is actually a bit shorter than that when they aren't trying to Stand Like A Human
a turtle
5 years ago
They weigh in at 485 lbs., one third of which is Shell Weight. They're pretty stocky by nature, and the lifetime of monk training has given the natural squish a pretty heavy layer of muscle underneath.
a turtle
5 years ago
tortles are Big Chungus by virtue of pure physiology to begin with, but I imagine that no matter what species they were, Eska would be a bulky individual
a turtle
5 years ago
(I know that there has been a Lot of snapped furniture and knocked over party members and getting stuck in doorways, but despite The Many Failed Dex Saves deep down I still firmly believe in Eska being heavyset and agile and dexterous because Not Mutually Exclusive Things)
a turtle
5 years ago
as far as voices go, their VA is uhhhhh. me
a turtle
5 years ago
a turtle
5 years ago
tortoises don't vocalize a lot, but when they do, it tends to be The Tiniest Squeaks Imaginable
a turtle
5 years ago
so I went a little higher than my natural register because That's How A Turtle Sounds
a turtle
5 years ago
(and went on to regret it for the rest of my life because they keep getting misgendered as she, but that's how it is on this bitch of an earth)
a turtle
5 years ago
But it does the trick for "sounds as harmless as humanly possible" and that's truly what counts
a turtle
5 years ago
basically: eska is a big round rock made out of love and slaps, as voiced by a squeaky toy
Transient Anus
5 years ago
a turtle
5 years ago
turtles are Good and Precious
5 years ago
holy shit. very good
5 years ago
Give this Tortle all of my love.
a turtle
5 years ago
I'm probably going to spend the rest of the evening lost in watching videos of sneezing tortoises
a turtle
5 years ago
this is just my life
a turtle
5 years ago
Skitter is my next oldest active character and. a weird egg
a turtle
5 years ago
I don't even have accurate art of what she looks like anymore because she has done a lot of mutating
a turtle
5 years ago
But she's one of my two kobold characters, so she measures in at a statuesque 2'3" and 15 lbs.
a turtle
5 years ago
I'm not sure if mutating the Urd wings made her heavier or lighter, honestly, because on the one hand, entire new limbs, but on the other: her skeletal system is probably honeycombing or hollowing to compensate or some other weird kobold shit like that
a turtle
5 years ago
She's got that Negative Strength and no Con to speak of, so that very light weight is also reflected in her build: teeny
a turtle
5 years ago
sad little twig arms that have never successfully opened a jar in their life
a turtle
5 years ago
I figure she was probably a lot weedier when she first joined up with the party, because after elf grandpa died, she had a real long journey all the way up to the north end of the continent as A Lone Tribeless Kobold who was just like. pretending really really hard to be a dragonborn child. yes those definitely come in Light Purple for sure, please feed me
a turtle
5 years ago
but now she's ~a captain~ and gets three square meals a day, so she's probably looking a lot healthier. Aside from all the mutations, I mean.
a turtle
5 years ago
Her voice is. also very high-pitched (it probably won't surprise you to learn that I also made this 'squeaky' choice for both the two-foot-tall gremlins on my roster), but a lot more high-energy and forceful than eska's
a turtle
5 years ago
Aurven has been played about as long as Skitter - not surprising, since he's my other kobold. He's a little taller and heavier than Skitter, but not by much: he's 2'6" and 25 pounds.
a turtle
5 years ago
(fun fact: skitter has pretty pathetic stats, but Aurven's are even worse than hers. This is the character whose only positive stat rolled is a 14. This is the 3 Whole Strength boy. Technically, he should be super sickly looking, probably)
a turtle
5 years ago
As a Scout and part of a nomadic circus troupe, though, Aurven probably spends enough time shootin' bows and scurryin' around that he's got like.... the barest hint of a runner's build. Still pretty noodly and unimpressive, but enough of a "my job keeps me moving constantly" lifestyle to force a little bit of tone on those bones
a turtle
5 years ago
but still soft and shitty enough that he's real self-conscious about it
a turtle
5 years ago
(aurven as a character is basically A Small Soft Monster Is An Easy Visual Metaphor for Transmasc Frustrations About Being Small And Soft and Infantilized Out Of Masculinity)
a turtle
5 years ago
His voice is also on the high end of the register because Dysphoria: The Symbolism: The Kobold, but not as much as Eska or Skitter, and with a more back-of-throat, kinda... nasal-ish quality?
a turtle
5 years ago
Aurix is my newest active D&D clown, and also a reptile. gosh. shucks. who'd have guessed. She's a Lizardfolk, so she's definitely a lot more statuesque than a bunch of kobolds. She's 6'0" even, not counting her crest, and 165 lbs.
a turtle
5 years ago
As a hexblade/rogue multiclass, she's yet another STR Dump Stat character lmfao, but I figure that a lizardfolk who's been doing a lot of hard livin' would pack on at least a little muscle
a turtle
5 years ago
She's also not sculpted-6-pack levels (unless she Mask of Many Faces illusions some sweet abs on), and I imagine that I'm A Mom Now aurix is a bit softer than I'm A Tough Unburdened Weapons Dealer aurix was
a turtle
5 years ago
Without said Mask of Many Faces disguising her as a human or elf or something, she probably reads pretty androgynous to a non-lizardfolk eye: she's not very curvy, she's kinda muscular, she's tall, and she got a got dang face like a lizzer
a turtle
5 years ago
Her voice is actually lower than my usual speaking voice which makes her an exception lmfao
a turtle
5 years ago
She speaks in a low alto, and it can come across as kinda breathy because she's pretty soft-spoken and quick to lay the honeyed words on because Yes, I Too Understand This Concept of Softskin Emotions, I also enjoy Social Bonding and Having Empathy, please check out how well I Integrate Into Your Ways
a turtle
5 years ago
(but the end result is kind of just "I Am Complimenting You" being the only sort of emotive inflection she really knows how to inject into her voice, regardless of the situation)
a turtle
5 years ago
by this point i was honestly just desperate to play someone who wasn't tiny and squeaky blease god have mercy lmao
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