5 years ago
note to self that I shouldn't feel ashamed and continuously beat myself up for feeling upset or for expressing heated opinions. it's normal. it's human. what's important is how I manage my feelings and thoughts, find peace within, and move forward
latest #7
ᴅᴀɴᴀ ☀
5 years ago
massages your shoulders and wraps you in blankets
ᴅᴀɴᴀ ☀
5 years ago
i'm love you zara!!!! feel whatever you wanna feel
5 years ago
rereads my self-advice after a few minutes posting it why does it sound super cheesy now somehow lmaooooooo
5 years ago
danaaaaaa I'm sorry I plunge back here only to dump another rant I'm grateful for your good vibe posts tbh they helped calming me down aaaaaaaa
5 years ago
the goodness of vitamin d(ana)
ᴅᴀɴᴀ ☀
5 years ago
awwww darling you're fine!! and you know you can message me if you ever need anything. cuddles you close it's okay if you need a vent space, it's only human and more than fine
5 years ago
mmmm cuddles closer... don't worry tho, aside from random bad mood, I've generally been in a good headspace these days, not counting in petty arguments over fandom stuff.... but thanks a lot dana ;o; that applies to you too ok you have to know!! I love you!!
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