my spring break is coming up so I'm hoping I'll have some extra time to devote to things in the next couple weeks
I should probably definitely super have tony figure out his ice power this month because I've literally been sitting on it since game start
and I kinda want Tony to try to investigate Cape Averi
I'll be off Hiatus after the 22nd
either with permission... or without
but my niece is also due that day, so we'll see
I'm so excited to be an aunt, you have no idea
but, as to Khu, I'd love a thread with Tony
also I haven't forgotten our older thread, I will get back to it when I have a chance x/ I'm just super busy for the next couple days, but my break starts on thursday. so maybe we can boomerang it next week?
I still need to figure out what to do with my plot leads lol
some little open-ended things I have lying around... tony's weird clock (possibly related to the weird star map), his metal tree sapling, and the crystals he got from the mission a few months ago. would like to pursue some of those, so I'm wondering if I should request a plot development from the mods on any of those
he snuck behind the barriers and took a cutting
might be a good one to follow up on, since the skyway's still closed down and he'd be invested in that? also his cutting may be getting too big to hide effectively by now, lol
maybe I'll have him do something dumb, like toss one of the crystals into the metal shavings "potting" mix
I need to go over my stuff again, forgot where I was going with it. I do know that Valdis needs to soul walk in something that had died, for reason
well, for science, but also other reasons
slides up in here, I'd love to throw Kit and/or the Fool at Tony this month
Kit has a log and a network post up
do you have a preference, Kit or the Fool?
Let’s do Kit! I’m just bringing him back and looking to get him established again
Sheena got a book that can be written in by anything...but the words disappear. Unless the "ink" is blood.
... If Tony makes a video asking about that tree, Nita will have questions. (And probably also try to talk to the tree in the Speech.)
And Neets herself also hasn't used her Talent yet (which is... causing people bad luck, basically. Twisting negative probabilities towards people she doesn't like.)
so they could train on that?
Valdis could wrangle both of them up to say "Okay, you newbies, listen here; here's what those tattoos mean..."
Valdis is not big on using her talent yet
/lays on
my tagbrain has been dead this month but I am hopeful for it to come back after con
Autistic_Ace he's not gonna make a post about it because he's not supposed to have it

BUT I saw that Nita is working on hydroponic stuff? if they find a reason to meet about that in his workshop she could see the tree and ask about it
And yes; those vegetables are coming along nicely. :>
So Tony wouldn't be interested in examing a book that can only have blood as permanent ink? Crazy kids...
i'm gonna be off hiatus the 28th so maybe we can plot something quick for the end of the month