I'm taking a strike this month in favor of hopefully getting stuff started right out of the gate for april
latest #11
have some homework to finish tonight but then I'm going to try to get started on a catch-all
Loup D'etat
5 years ago
It’s a check in month!!!!
Loup D'etat
5 years ago
jill grahamyao
5 years ago
woo hoo checkin!!
jill grahamyao
5 years ago
also if you throw up a catch-all I'll tag into that with whoever
Loup D'etat
5 years ago
miles you ass
5 years ago
man i told you it was checkin lmao
Chatvert you said it was MAYBE checkin and you weren't sure :-P
I hadn't seen the official announcement yet
miles you ass
5 years ago
don't expect me to remember things :-P
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