5 years ago
me: I wanna do the body horror prompt but my muse would try to tough it out and that's boring

boring brain: skip the prompt
expanded brain: he can help people out!!
galaxy brain: do it and make it The Worst Possible for him specifically
latest #10
5 years ago
Take Yuri Vesperia To The Subdermal Bug Party
Jejune Thots
5 years ago
michael can dig bugs out of him uwu
Spike's trying to make a flame thrower so he can burn them out
shhh this is a great plan
Jejune Thots
5 years ago
spike plz dont self immolate
5 years ago
uwu how sweet michael
5 years ago
and spike I have uh a few questions
Restless Heart
5 years ago
Welcome to dwrp =D
5 years ago
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