亞修抵著英二的唇低語 “I have to see you...I missed you so much. I don’t give a damn about the tradition. I wanna be the first to see you in this beautiful tux. You are absolutely stunning...” 話語跟隨著亞修的唇移至英二的耳際和脖子,英二感受著亞修溫暖的氣息與碰觸,任由自己沈浸在愛人的無限柔情裡。
“When you told me your soul will always be with me, that was the point of my life changed completely. Since then, I’ve known I can never be separated from you anymore. You will always be my strength, light, and the love of my life. I promise to cherish and love you for the rest of my days, and every moment forever. Eiji Okumura, will you marry me?”
tamtamtam00: 感謝小姆姆鼓勵人家寫文 渣渣文有小姆貢獻的小段瞬間upgrade不少水準 話說既然辛是英醬的伴郎那Max會不會也是亞修的呢?( ・᷄ὢ・᷅ ) (Max:Noooooo, I wanna walk my son down the aisle!!! ) 英醬穿上禮服的樣子一定是迷人到不行 我要是亞修也想第一個看到 結果在休息室差點擦槍走火還好金髮boy想到要做正事lol 不知道Max會不會在make toast的時候拿出來調侃下兒子UwU