5 years ago
Headcanon: Josh is actually the only one of Logan's ex's that Julian likes.
latest #14
5 years ago
Like, he thinks Kurt's too self-righteous, thinks Blaine is obnoxious and holier-than-thou, but he thought Josh was actually a good match for Logan, which is why he started to give up, because he thought they could be good.
5 years ago
5 years ago
I love this headcanon bc my son deserves all the positivity
5 years ago
Like I REALLY want Josh and Julian to be bros
5 years ago
I want Josh to roll in, 30 episodes late, with a half finished melted iced latte and being like “ur a fucking DUMBASS, wright, he was so obviously in love with you”
5 years ago
Okay but this also ties into another theory/canon-divergence use where Bailey's trying to soothe relations between Stuart and Windsor because Josh is planning to come back to Dalton for Sr. year, but to Stuart instead of Windsor
5 years ago
And Julian freaks out a bit at first but then Josh and he end up as Bros and Josh and Lo patch things up and become friends as well
5 years ago
this also supports my theory of joshua leaving bc windsor treated him like shit, not logan’s shenanigans
5 years ago
And, because I'm pretty, Blaine and Windsor peeps are all "BUT YOU LEFT BC OF HIM BS LOGAN'S MEAN???" and Josh is like "lol not it's because you Windsor bitches were petty as fuck after"
5 years ago
MargotKris: exact I took that and it is my HC as well now, Thank
5 years ago
I don’t think any of them are bad people, I think they’re all dumbass teens who need to get over themselves
5 years ago
Also Josh being super supportive of Jogan and helping them figure shit out bc Derek's not the type to and someone has to help out these fragile idiots
5 years ago
Julian gaining a friend that he can turn to for advice bc he knows Joshua doesn’t really give a shit anymore what people think of him
5 years ago
I support everything in this plurk
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