it's so we don't have to go all the way up to the front to take calls? and I get why they chose Nokia, bc dat battery life
did not think they still existed in this fashion
They will outlast even the roaches at the apocalypse.
Battery life and basically indestructible
I'm just low-key buttmad that I have yet another thing to keep up with lmao
pet care is probably the department with the most shit to take care of, bc each shift is responsible for checking on and taking care of all the small pets, the birds, the fish, the cats, the reptiles, and the sick pets and new arrivals
we also have to fetch crickets, Know Shit so we can answer questions, do the adoption processes
clean the fish tanks, change the filters, and deep clean the habitats on their assigned days
....i'm overwhelmed just reading that
and now I get to answer a bunch of phone calls yaaaaaaaay
IT SOUNDS LIKE A WHOLE LOT and it kind of is a whole lot, but it's relatively easy to deal with if you're not having to field questions and hold customers hands through the entire adoption process bc nobody does their research
how the hell do u breathe doing all that?? omg
That’s too much and I know you aren’t getting paid enough
Also where’s my post apocalyptic YA book series where everyone has a Nokia
I’m no good at setting I’m only good at porn
I mean, I get paid 2.50 over minimum wage as a starting pay, which isn't enough but more than I expected lmao
That's more than I expected you to say but IT SHOULD BE MORE
slams fist on table, GIVE ME THAT 15 MINIMUM WAGE