5 years ago
Well, this sucks: From the Miracle Twitter feed: "Due to the hurricane approaching Florida, tonight will be our finale game of the 2019 season. This weekend’s series against Clearwater and the entire FSL playoffs have been cancelled. Stay safe, everybody! Thank you for another incredible season!"
latest #9
5 years ago
I bet that never happens in Greenland. ;-)
5 years ago
Oh no! How many games are getting skipped?
5 years ago
LouNetizen: tthey won't even be able to curl soon. :-))
5 years ago
that's a drag. It's understandable, though
5 years ago
LettePonnier 4 games against Clearwater,including the doubleheader today. The Miracle would have played at least two games of a three game division championship series starting on Tuesday and perhaps three to five games of the league championship series if they had won the division. So, at least 6 and possibly as many as 12 games cancelled.
5 years ago
Oh shoot! Sorry, Thorn :-(
5 years ago
Ouch. I don't know enough about how baseball works, but won't that cock up team/player statistics?
5 years ago
counting another game earlier in the season that was cancelled and never made up, that's 5 games out of 70 home games. A bit more than 7%. The Charlotte Stone Crabs whom the Miracle would have played against in the division championship series has a real cause of complaint. They set a franchise record for most games won in a series and they could have
5 years ago
tacked on three more wins to that record.
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