Kavar says
5 years ago
ok I finally binged all of sabrina I can't believe it took me so long to watch it. its pretty amazing can't wait for season 3.
latest #12
5 years ago
I have only seen the 1st episode so far but it was great
Le Pumpkin
5 years ago
I need to finish it! My husband and I started it but we were watching too many things at once and put Sabrina on the back burner.
5 years ago
PumpkinSaenz: I really loved it , I love how its like campy but really dark
5 years ago
Anemysk: there is a few hbo things I wish I had access too, I think euphoria is on hbo as well? but it will be on a sky channel here and we dont' have sky anymore.
5 years ago
I really enjoyed Sabrina
5 years ago
https://imgs.plurk.com/QwB/jy7/6XZ5FPIHHJQvDk057gB5W2god7S_lg.png one of my favorite shots
Chav says
5 years ago
i tried sabrina but couldn't get past michelle gomez being american. and i love michelle gomez A LOT.
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