Mal Martynov
5 years ago
Just got back from a drag pageant. Didn't win, but goddam there were some drama
latest #13
Nativity 🌈
5 years ago
Mal Martynov
5 years ago
So one of the judges, lets call them bad judge, convinces one of the contestants, lets call them K to run. Tells K that they need to show up at 7. K does not read contract, where it states that all contestants show up at 6 or get 1 point off per minute. K shows up at 7 and things are explained.
Mal Martynov
5 years ago
Show Runner J asks the rest of the contestants if the 60 point deduction because bad judge told K the wrong time. We say half that would be fair because they should have read the contract. It's not that long, only 3 pages. We continue getting ready. K starts heading upstairs, dripping with blood.
Mal Martynov
5 years ago
Former winners tell K that he will lose points if he makes a mess on the stage. He says no one told him that. Formers tell K it is in the contract. Doubly obvious it wasn't read. We perform, all goes well. King and Queen are crowned. We get our point and concrit sheets. Most of us have points from all other judges in the high 40's(out of 50)...
Mal Martynov
5 years ago
Except for bad judge. I haven't seen one over 35...except on K's sheet. All other contestants, even the queens, got shite scores from Bad Judge. R and C have been mentoring king A and speak up about the discrepency on the scores and how it is odd that one judge was super strict and the rest weren't. Showrunner J tries to sort it with the judge.
Mal Martynov
5 years ago
Myself and L stand a bit back as this is going on but we have our sheets in our hands and it is obvious we are there to say something. J asks what we need and we politly say we also noticed something that should be addressed. Showrunner J looks at the sheets and noticed the same low scores from bad judge. Badjudge, R, and C get in to a shouting match.
Mal Martynov
5 years ago
Badjudge gets pissed at C cause he already holds 9 titles and should know better than to question a judges points(C is not running, just mentoring) and that badjudge only holds one title so he shouldn't be expectedto know everything about judging. Point sheets get collected, bad judge and most points judge have their points removed from all calculations.
Mal Martynov
5 years ago
K is no longer king. A will be crowned in a week. Bad judge goes on his fb and says it's all bollocks because someone was super salty that they lost. By this time most of the kings are home and we start comparing notes. Turns out bad judge was docking points for things that were not what we were to be judge on, like how much of our outfit was hand made,
Mal Martynov
5 years ago
lots of blood, or id we used real or fauxreal facial hair instead of pinting it on. None of that wasin the catagory listings we were given, and this is supposed to be a pageant for beginners so they don't expect us to make everything ourselves. Top points judge finds out some of the things bad judge has said and rails him on his fb for douchebaggery(like
Mal Martynov
5 years ago
telling bad judge that A's mother is a pro seamstress and taught A everything she knows, so his outfits were hand made but looked pro as fuck because that's what someone with some sewing skills does). I feel bad for K because bad judge's freak out is going to reflect poorly on K for nothign that was his fault
Mal Martynov
5 years ago
More tea: Bad Judge has admited that the reason he judged everyone the way he did was to "even the score" since he thought K was getting 60 points taken off. It's going to come out with proof and it's going to kill two kings because one fucked up double time.
Nativity 🌈
5 years ago
Mal Martynov
5 years ago
yeah it's a mess
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