Lark Tarlenus
5 years ago
Does anyone feel like helping me move from static head to bento? I am struggling SO hard.
latest #6
Jordan Alpha
5 years ago
oh no! what's the problem?
Lark Tarlenus
5 years ago
mythicunicorn: Having trouble matching heads and skins LOL - I think I'm being too fussy but I want it to still look like the old me
Jordan Alpha
5 years ago
LarksLounge: ooh what skin are you wearing / what static head are you wearing?
Lark Tarlenus
5 years ago
mythicunicorn: currently jessica with an itgirls skin!
5 years ago
BananaBanshee is amazing at creating shapes that match up to your original non-mesh head
Lark Tarlenus
5 years ago
Saffpots: is that so!? I’m gonna have to check her out
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