ii ko deshou
5 years ago
im gonna make a general complainy plurk here hopefully I'll just reuse this when im feeling bad fingers crossed
latest #11
ii ko deshou
5 years ago
onnnnne of the worst things about my work schedule is i get up before anyone that i actually talk to that actually validates my existence/doesnt make me feel incredibly obnoxious
ii ko deshou
5 years ago
so it's like ahhhh yes time to exist for hours in this state of constant fighting against my brain telling me that im dogshit and nobody likes me until someone wakes up to press my instant dopamine levels
ii ko deshou
5 years ago
also it's fucking cold
ii ko deshou
5 years ago
buries face in
ii ko deshou
5 years ago
it's so lonely
ii ko deshou
5 years ago
good morniiing
ii ko deshou
5 years ago
im off my first shift but i had like 2 hours of sleep last night so im gonna nap
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