So apparently, one of the people in our complex, an older white guy, got into an argument with a black woman sometime earlier in the day, and in response to the whole thing, did the absolutely perfectly mature and rational thing, and drank himself stupid before going to his garage and SCREAMING some ranting bullshit, while violently throwing stuff out into
I couldn't tell exactly what he was screaming, but I'm pretty sure there was some racist stuff in there
And all the while, if he saw the woman or her young daughter, who were just trying to continue about their day, he'd scream shit along the lines of, "BRING ME A FUCKING MAN!" In that way that translates into "I WANNA FIGHT SOMEONE!"
So of course, I overcame my hatred of the police and my hatred of the phone, and called the cops, because that's a domestic disturbance that's threatening to boil over.
They ended up showing up surprisingly quickly, and while trying to talk the guy down to being calm, I overheard him yell, "Either arrest me or go away," which is one of the most privileged ways to respond to the police, if you ask me.
Either way, he refused to chill and cooperate, so he got the back of the car. After which he started WAILING bloody murder, like someone was murdering him slow and painful-like. It was almost heartbreaking, except that a couple guys who were friends of him went to check on everything, and he was literally just screaming for the attention, and not due to any
So while the cop is doing some follow-up stuff and talking to other people, the guy appears to calm down, and tries to convince the officer to let him at least go back to his apartment to use the bathroom before being brought in.
And in the most boneheaded maneuver, the cop agreed.
So what would've just been a drunk and disorderly situation escalated into him barricading himself into his apartment, and the cop having to call in the fire department to help extract him.
They ended up having to strap him down to the gurney once they pulled him out, because he was resisting that violently. And then, he somehow got an arm free and started swinging it around with intent, while screaming "THE CORONAVIRUS! THE CORONAVIRUS!"
So yeah. That was a fun day.
From my mother's account of things, he'd been screaming his head off since about 2 PM. I called the cops at 4:40 PM. The cops arrived at 4:45. When we got back from voting, the fire department was there, at... I wanna say 6ish?