reaches for new players
/goes to msg the lovely lovely Steve on the TDM with thel ink
I see you went with Ephrim after all :3
uou i had the app mostly ready anyway, and fatt is a pretty easy canon to review because the episodes have searchable transcripts
i just need to......... hold off on my last character until i am
I probably won't app a third, but if I do I'll agonize for months
meanwhile I remain in awe of those of you who can handle more than one at a time
but keep doing it, more excellent characters for me to tag
jury's out on whether i can handle more but at the very least ephrim hates the entire getting to know you process so his cr should be easier to keep under control than sora's
yeah that's part of how I handle it, playing one social character and one hermit
it's hooow ya keep sane
yes that is a sensible strategy
somehow I've mashed them together and ended up with a hermit with a lot of CR because he can't stop trying to help
insert hermit crab joke somehow, look, his zodiac sign is cancer and he fits it to a t so he is in fact a hermit crab
I've been doing all these "what animal is your character" memes wrong
well NOW i just want to introduce a character who is literally a personification of the zodiac sign cancer
oh he must have a large and lovely shell
hermit crabs are good and cute
rosinante does have a shell, it's his ribcage
becoming the crab he dreamed to be, one death at a time
ms solis can he have a pincer next (NO)
movement type becomes: scuttle
mani. raises sora's slappin hands
im imagining rosi scuttling himself into falling over anyway...... some things don't change
tbh four legs might make him more stable
(how many legs do crabs have? leu sure doesn't know)
I was gonna link a screencap but my internet is shitting itself
everyone in the area must be watching netflix
"at least five" you get me
I'm so late the joke is no longer funny but here's spiderbird
hush it's funny independently of timing
see so if we replace the hand with a pincer
I'm glad I can laugh at my dumb character while he's like bleeding out
holy shit that ventus apped
im terrified but pleased
(looks at his canonpoint) hey. Why
I came up for air from animal crossing and apps are open how exciting 🥰
oohhhh jessica jones
I just like sticking her in spooky forests and crappy houses....
oh man, I HAVE TO SAY i too am excited for jessica jones
also fitz, because the dw eu is great
the Fitz player is great, she's been in games with me before, and I think the character is a great fit
I've enjoyed my TDM thread with them!
yes hello, I was in ITN with DG for a hot second back in December but I think Fitz will be a
Oh hey again! Awesome, yeah he seems really fun!
fitz is a cool character! the novels/bf audios were some of my faaave
ooh this sounds like my sort of game
I'm tempted, I'm trying to figure out who to send here!
it's a great game!! let us know if you tdm and we can toss peeps your way!