Kavar says
4 years ago
https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/49730664333_f3bf1446ec_b.jpg ooh nice! might have to indulge in strange 002 hmmm also its defeinetly worth a group slot to grab strong 001 for free if anyone is looking for something different to play with head wise.
Kittyfox McMeep
4 years ago
It's a special strong head, different from the other two. i'm considering strange 1 or 2 myself, but baby 2 is also cute and I need to still play with strong 2 and classic 2 ugh. I'm a head hoarder
Lady Bintley
4 years ago
I’m wearing it and really like it x
4 years ago
Verinne: it is your right! I noticed that when I compared it to my strong head, I picked up strange 002 with the sale since I was kind of thinking about it when I bought strange 001 at the skin fair, but I hear you about head hoarding, guilty of that myself.
4 years ago
Kittywitch: I really like it, I like the original too but this one has some really nice tweaks.