yuulshi just so you know the fucker with one arm is exactly the same as haein
I didn't think you'd be the sort to have something to wander back to.
like looking into a horrible mirror
haein do NOT be like ephrim do NOT continue to be a selfish fuck you WILL lose your arm and your faith in a loving god
8^) ephrim and ardyn got on like a wildfire on the tdm, in that ephrim can cause a wildfire and ardyn is looking swipe-rightable... cause that fool is fucking TINDER
he can't stop it look at all these bad influences around him.... cough ephrim...
oh god please do NOT look up to ephrim whatever you do he's just all of the bad parts of the shounen protagonist's rival
except in his mid thirties and delusional!!!
run haein you still have time for your redemption arc
haein laughs in the face of a redemption arc SEE YOU IN HELL EPHRIM
is Buck the only former villain here who wants his redemption arc? XD
ephrim's.... a hero................
bucky u are a cool dude who deserves his redemption
not like these..... punks....
ephrim will definitely keep haein's seat warm! he says as he lights that chair on fire
congrats haein you've made him regress to when he was 22 and thought he was hot shit
that's fine with haein he doesn't want to beat up an OLD MAN
ephrim waving a cane, GET BACK HERE YOU FUCKING FETUS
Ardyn will never stop thinking of him as a boy...or anyone else really
P L E A S E ephrim has had ENOUGH of these fucking immortals!! this fucking BULLSHIT
the only good part about him dying is that he didn't have to deal with being in the same universe as the gods and their family drama AND NOW THIS
and now dreamwidth has cancelled me!!! how rude
no more tags tonight i guess crie
it's been flickering in any out for me all day
try refreshing a couple times
Yeah it's been doing that to me too
uou i think it's dreamwidth telling me to go the hell to sleep so i can be awake for work
when the bell tolls etc etc etc
yeah i gave up after it ate one of my tags :T but yes sleep!!!
not much else to do sob