thank you
it took me until the past 4? months to learn that people only get karma for plurks if someone comments on them
and I've had this plurk account since.... 2012
god almighty
thank u for the comment, then, this plurk has served its purpose
i've been playing a lot of gbf and keeping up with work! tomorrow will be for tagouts but i probably won't be doing many replies until friday
until then happy tuesday folks
wait you only get karma for plurks if someone replies to them? really? I have a friend who just... posts "karma plurk" and nobody replies... I should tell them >.>
both of these concepts are new to me, I'm relieved I'm catching on earlyish
idk that's something I only heard recently like I said! maybe it's wrong!
I froze my karma back in 2014 and haven't looked at it since
whoa i forgot karma was a thing
Yo! How've you been doing?
it's a little of both--you can karma plurk to keep your karma from going down; nobody has to respond to them
that being said, getting more people responding in your plurk and chatting or being active or using emotes will more positively impact your plurk! but just plurking will still give you a little bit of karma, like 0.05 or something
yeah I locked mine forever ago because there is nothing I hate more than the idea I have to use a website because it tells me to do so daily
or otherwise suffer punishment
that shit can fuck right off
I'm not honestly sure how to do that. but I don't really need to, I plurk enough I can just ignore the karma, really
idk vacation mode is in the account settings somewhere
it gives you a one-time reduction but if your karma is high enough to have unlocked all the features even with whatever it dings you for then it's fine
hahaha i just remember from years ago when i wanted to freeze mine at 111.11; i kept accidentally overshooting so i'd have to miss a day posting so it would drop, then build it back up... and yeah, vacation mode drops your karma by 0.5
on one hand, abi why, on the other hand, this is almost certainly why we’re friends
ive been prioritizing keeping irl in line along w doing stuff for admin online so tags have been... v slow,,,, but i do think i’ll be caught up at at the end of the week
and i guess i’m happy yall are having this conversation here while i nap and then shudder myself awake bc of all the work i need to do apparently
thank u very much
i would like enough karma to upload my own custom emojis someday... someday...
hmm in retrospect i shouldn't have had the space. A SOLID WALL OF XEHANORTS
oh... thanks abi.... this is exaxtly what i wanted...
he norted the word exactly apparently
(i'm fucking yelling bc all i can think of is that goddamn prozd video)
(i'm so pleased... i quoted this interaction to the boy and as soon as i got to the whole "he norted the word exactly apparently" line i just.
saw as his soul left his body bc he immediately was thinking of that video too
this plurk was a wild ride
but also, boosts ur karma up
i should plurk more often my plurklist is pretty cool and funny