이근 뭔지?
4 years ago @Edit 4 years ago
hey this is as rude as hell!! who the fuck does this lantern belong to???
latest #31
이근 뭔지?
4 years ago
(points at the lantern) Hey,
이근 뭔지?
4 years ago
it's really pretty though, i just can't mentally place whose it would have been
plurk why honestly
Steve Harrington?
이근 뭔지?
4 years ago
.... OH NO......
이근 뭔지?
4 years ago
oh this is gonna be FUCKING RUDE
oh no did Sora know him
이근 뭔지?
4 years ago
no but as soon as he figures out what's happening he's going to be like
이근 뭔지?
4 years ago
8') well this is pretty bad huh
이근 뭔지?
4 years ago
plus he deffo 100% has friends who knew him so that'll be fun for him to figure out
fucking god BLESS tho on using actual lanterns from in the spreadsheet I"M SO GLAD
Mrs Sheepie
4 years ago
i'm so glad 8D there was an informal meme about it on the discord but i helped ask for a more formal document for them, haha
bless you
bless all this
- we're gonna need a new one of those lmao
(technically we don't need one but it'd be cool to leave the ITN one and make a TNN one)
이근 뭔지?
4 years ago
for the bits remaining.... bless u mani it is truly a good idea
4 years ago @Edit 4 years ago
god lmao I'm just here like 8 ) bangs tambourine
.........PLURK NO
I read literally the entire nav in March except for the game history, night market annnnd explores and player plots? so it's like. AH YES, I HAVE MOST OF THIS CONTENT STILL ACTIVELY IN MY HEAD,
이근 뭔지?
4 years ago
LKSF blessed
4 years ago
whoOOaaOoAAA that’s haunting
4 years ago
look if Sora shows that to Buck he at least knows Steve's lantern, he'll know who it belonged to :-(
이근 뭔지?
4 years ago
he'll have a network post as soon as i have my tagouts done 8'(
Merrily on Psi
4 years ago
Oh my god this is the saddest.
이근 뭔지?
4 years ago
it's as rude as hell......
Merrily on Psi
4 years ago
In the Night: Continues to emotionally compromise its players
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