4 years ago
[arcademia] We good for tomorrow or does anyone need the game bumped?
latest #21
4 years ago
I know that like, one of our players moved and also we're in a global pandemic so you know, lmk
happy holifeys
4 years ago
good with me!
Sword Logic
4 years ago
chilly pepper
4 years ago
im good
4 years ago
Happy Holishibe
4 years ago
im good
Celizabeth Hood
4 years ago
im gooood
comfy drow cave
4 years ago
As a head's up, I've abruptly started to feel really sick (sore throat & coughing), I'm still currently planning to run tonight but I'll keep you guys updated if I have to 'call out'
comfy drow cave
4 years ago
hoping it's just allergies so I popped an antihistamine
Sword Logic
4 years ago
Take care of your health first :-(
Happy Holishibe
4 years ago
stay healthy!!
ahih rei-yah;
4 years ago
yes take care of yourself hopefully it is only allergies, but allergies are still bleh
Celizabeth Hood
4 years ago
comfy drow cave
4 years ago
ok guys, I'm really sorry, but I've been feeling sick as heck for about 7 hours now so I doubt it'll improve and I'm gonna take medicine instead of trying to stick it out anymore. Let's push this week to next week and still plan on playing the week after (so both May 15 and May 22) to get the same number of games in for the month if that works for everyone?
4 years ago
ahih rei-yah;
4 years ago
work news has me depressed anyway so idk how much fun I would've been anyway take care of yourself. and the dates sound good!
Happy Holishibe
4 years ago
o7 sounds good to me
Sword Logic
4 years ago
Sounds good! I’m also stressed to fuck and gone and still have to do a grocery run after work so it works out
comfy drow cave
4 years ago
Thank you guys!! I'm really sorry you're also dealing with so much crap
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