[art time] Drawing a new icon and liveplurking to get back in the swing :3
latest #11
https://images.plurk.com/6v5AHLOs7WJDzTGBBCuvjK.png Our subject is Happy Dodger, gasp
https://images.plurk.com/24OGVW1H0vACutXbmgNW0.png my current art method includes sketching a basic concept in my sketchbook and then cleaning it up into an unrecognizable version on my computer, lol
https://images.plurk.com/5OGnHDxn3Yxv4wN0Q6hlpO.png art hack: can't get back of your art to look right? just crop it... a lot.
https://images.plurk.com/2Whx4Uk2dPHEJdyQZL4Bi4.png the next part of the process is to edit the shit out of your nice clean sketch until it's a total mess that more closely resembles what you had in your head.
zee art
4 years ago
ah i missed your art
zee art
4 years ago
i revived khisanth and reread their "hey is this dating" thread in her ic contact, what a toxic relationship but so cute
ikr? lmao they were a train wreck but so much fun
If you ever wanna bring her into hell, Dodger's over at Penance!
zee art
4 years ago
i have her at maskormenace and it’s making me question if i have the strength for games rn i’m so weak
pats... that's a big mood honestly.
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