4 years ago
[arcademia] Are we good for tomorrow? (It was requested we play 2 weeks in a row, but if it's a bad time let me know and I can bump it)
latest #11
Sword Logic
4 years ago
Sword Logic
4 years ago
4 years ago
o7 im good!
Happy Holishibe
4 years ago
happy holifeys
4 years ago
chilly pepper
4 years ago
I'll have to skip I'm sorry, scheduled game stuff
Celizabeth Hood
4 years ago
i might be slow since also game stuff but only for like an hr or so (and i can multitask it if need beee)
comfy drow cave
4 years ago
freckledknight extrinsicality zazzle vikarmic shibaface celifairy jiggypepper Actually, another player has tapped me to let me know they can't make it either today so with 2.5 players down and a potential Thing in this session, I am going to bump it out to next week after all, let me know if the 14th will be a problem for anyone!
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