4 years ago
I haven’t visited my Animal Crossing island in 12 weeks. I’m scared of the weeds and if any of my beloved residents may have moved out 😩
latest #8
4 years ago
Oh noooo
4 years ago
I’ve ignored mine in the last few weeks. I’m just bored.
I did check on them over the weekend... still there lol
4 years ago
i kinda abandoned mine a month ago because i got addicted to ffxiv again >_> i forgot to even go in on my birthday, now i just feel bad about it and its making me too anxious to go back lol
4 years ago
Be time travel scum with me. Doesn't matter how long it's been. :-D
4 years ago
thankfully in new horizons villagers dont move out randomly. they talk to you first. but weeds and bugs in your house are still a thing lol
4 years ago
Ooh! I'm so thankful they don't move out then! Apple is my favorite and I was so happy to get her. The weeds and bugs I can work through, but I'm so pleased I can see Apple again :-D
I haven't played NH since the beginning of June >.>
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