Per Matt, we have wrecked the plan so thoroughly he doesn't even have vague notions of how this is going to wrap up. Accordingly, there may be some delays in bringing week 5 and the jaunt wrap-up into play.
this is how I hoped the last Jaunt would end, and I have said so for years
but the part of my notes which still work are as follows: I still know what song I'm going to use lyrics from in next week's prompt
Matt cackles with glee every time you force him to improvise
ah the best and worst part of bein ga DM
I'm so glad to hear he's cackling with glee XD
granted, i only see this during mod meets, but i think jill can confirm he does it irl too
There hasn't been much out-loud cackling that I've heard, but he has been quite pleased when talking about the derailment.
Internal cackling also good