4 years ago
[arcademia] 1) Remind me, do people have any Fridays coming up they can't play? I feel like someone told me this, but time has begun blurring together. 2) Assuming that my cat doesn't do more nonsense (...) are we available for game tomorrow?
latest #16
comfy drow cave
4 years ago
with the note that yeah if she does idk man i'm just living minute to minute right now
Celizabeth Hood
4 years ago
Celizabeth Hood
4 years ago
But atm i have nnnno plansss
Celizabeth Hood
4 years ago
i dont think i have any like fridays that ill be busy on either
Sword Logic
4 years ago
Sword Logic
4 years ago
and I am good as far as I can divine the future for fridays
Happy Holishibe
4 years ago
im sending calm jester vibes and i have no friday plans for the foreseeable future
happy holifeys
4 years ago
I'm good!
4 years ago
comfy drow cave
4 years ago
extrinsicality jiggypepper Haven't heard back from you two yet!
comfy drow cave
4 years ago
eventually I'll master the ability to hear that.
chilly pepper
4 years ago
no / yes
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