[fashion...? veeeeery slightly NSFW....?? (cleavage. you can see my cleavage. fair warning.)]

so I have a pretty silly but genuine question for you guys. would you consider this dress to be too risqué to wear in public if you didn’t have a camisole or some equivalent beneath? or is it fine as is? https://images.plurk.com/5eCEBxQefqHSfXfM2kW4ks.jpg https://images.plurk.com/43md53og45KibfvGYLJTXc.jpg
latest #13
I ask because I really love this dress, but it’s ... hard to wear? for above reasons. I usually do wear it with a camisole, which covers up my cleavage tastefully, but looks terrible when viewed from the side.
I’m debating if I want to keep it or not given how, uh, challenging a dress it is...? laughs
4 years ago
no way i think thats fine
4 years ago
just be careful with the arm straps lol. but i think thats meant to be worn without it
4 years ago
it being the camisole
Oh yeah, it’s definitely intended to be worn this way. with the side of the dress so low, when I wear a camisole you just see like 5 inches or white fabric under my arms that kinda ruins the look of the dress.
on the other hand: dangerously high potential for blatant sideboob.
I am actually wearing a bra (and I’m quite proud of myself that it isn’t visible), and it has a tie in the back which makes the arm straps stay in place.

I just always wanted to wear this dress to work and that’s DEFINITELY not appropriate so I had to wear a camisole beneath if I wanted to wear it on a work day. but it’s a much prettier dress without it..
... “it” meaning the dress has a tie in the back. not. the bra. SOMEDAY ILL BUY THAT PLURK COIN BOY HOWDY
4 years ago
i mean i wouldnt say it’s a work dress either ahaha... but maybe throw a cardigan/jean jacket over it to cover the side boob?
yeah, I know. the camisole trick worked well enough that I did wear the dress to work a number of times (with said camisole beneath) and it did look fine, for the most part. I had to lift my arms or you had to see me in profile to really see how bad the camisole looked on the sides.
Oh good point! I do have a nice jean jacket that would go excellently with it.
4 years ago
+1 jacket would be best
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