4 years ago
So. I disappeared. A couple of weeks ago, I was at a point where if I had one more thing up in my brain, it was going to burst, so I threw I hiatus up on and stopped reading plurk. The rest of this plurk will be mostly be comments on .
latest #121
4 years ago
Technically, I put in for a hiatus to the end of the month, but I’m hoping to be able to dip my toe back into the game in the latter half of this week.
4 years ago
4 years ago
I made a few plans, like with Killua and Gil, that I clearly didn’t get to this month, obviously to anyone tagging with me, haha.
4 years ago
4 years ago
I don’t know if I remember all of them (though I know I got pinged on a plurk that I just didn’t have the brain to click on that I should track down again). If anyone wants to still try to fit them in November, I’m down to try, or they can be shifted to December where...I hope I’ll be able to get my brain in order??
4 years ago
In character, Leslie’s moms just returned home and she’s going to be...a bit...sad about that one.
4 years ago
Her goth dad is still here, so she won’t have to move, and her sun dad was asked to look out for her in the case of such a disappearance, but she’ll be both more (what’s the word) retreating?? and also clingier at various times, likely.
4 years ago
4 years ago
That’s the ticket.
4 years ago
She might have some trouble letting herself be properly sad about it, because she knows both Edelgard and Byleth will be returning to quite a nice time in their lives (you know, some hard work still needing to be done aside, some of which Leslie doesn’t even have a clue about), so she feels like she shouldn’t be sad.
baby girl... :-(
it's okay to be sad and to miss your moms...
4 years ago
But she doesn’t get a choice about getting at least one good cry in, because if you want to hurt good, you should look at the letter Edelgard left Leslie. She’s absolutely going to cry hard reading it.
4 years ago
rebreather: She thinks she’d be selfish to want them to still be here when she knows they’ll be happy back in their own world. Because of course she does.
leslie... :-(
4 years ago
She might be taking a few days off work, though.
asuka brain
4 years ago
oh no that letter
asuka brain
4 years ago
saber will probably pop in to check on her.
sun dad is def gonna gently and lovingly hassle her into talking about her feelings
Fiend Matador
4 years ago
Someone has to
Fiend Matador
4 years ago
Hubert is the poor choice for that even discounting his own feelings on the matter
4 years ago
That letter destroys me.
Fiend Matador
4 years ago
It is a fine letter
4 years ago
Leslie will appreciate Saber checking in on her even if her ideas on whether she “ought” to be feeling bad are wrong.
4 years ago
Thanks, sun dad. He’s done very well with that method a couple of times already. At least thing time you’ll know what you’re getting into if we thread it instead of things just turning Sad suddenly, lmao.
asuka brain
4 years ago
I'll probs drop something in her inbox later
asuka brain
4 years ago
if you're down
lmao sun dad has gothdad's back
4 years ago
Emotional deadness is a normal way to approach loss. ~ Hubert, probably
he can take point on this
hubert, no
4 years ago
dragoon1940: I’m absolutely down! (Not as down as Leslie is feeling HEYO.) I might be slow getting to tagging again, but I think that’d be fun.
asuka brain
4 years ago
No worries \o/
Fiend Matador
4 years ago
The sensation of loss that overcame me on that day defies all description. It was as horrific as if I'd lost all my limbs. ON THE CONTRARY
4 years ago
OH RIGHT he just acts like he’s not screaming inside.
damn hübért
Fiend Matador
4 years ago
maybe take it down a few notches, bud...
Fiend Matador
4 years ago
This is why Sundad gets the emotional responsibilities
4 years ago
Hubert has a few issues with untreated PTSD, I think.
Fiend Matador
4 years ago
You can't treat PTSD if there is none!!
Fiend Matador
4 years ago
(There is so much untreated trauma, this man is an unreliable narrator)
Fiend Matador
4 years ago
Anyhoo, let me know when you would like me to write up a starter for the letter/state of the Household talk o/ I don't want to overwhelm you while you're easing back in
if u ever need to talk, gothdad... it's chill
4 years ago
4 years ago
I’m okay with starting it up whenever, as long as you don’t mind that I’m slow right now!
Fiend Matador
4 years ago
4 years ago
I’m actually looking forward to the emotional devastation of writing such a thread.
btw welcome back, i hope you're doing ok
if you still want to do something this month, i'm down. I barely tagged this month myself so I was actually just getting some stuff ready to get threads going this week now that i have some free time. if you want them to commiserate over missing people they love, we can do that <3
Merry Mothmas
4 years ago
if you need a Deer Friend, lemme know okay
Merry Mothmas
4 years ago
Lorenz will likely check in anyway to see what's up
4 years ago
gunsandchocolate: I’m holding on! I’d be happy to have them commiserate together, with the same caveat that I’ll be slow for the reason of being in “well, I’m surviving” state.
4 years ago
I suspect some level of “no, let’s talk about your issues so I don’t have to talk about my own even though it would be healthy.”
4 years ago
woodrift: She could definitely use a Deer Friend. She won’t ask for that reason, but she might want to have tea with him and try not to cry in front of him (she might do that anyway).
Merry Mothmas
4 years ago
Merry Mothmas
4 years ago
I'm sure details will be figured out somehow, if neither Hubert nor Leslie are keen on talking
4 years ago
Her tea will just have a salty flavour.
4 years ago
I expect that someone will at least be updating him on Edelgard and Byleth leaving.
4 years ago
If Hubert didn’t, Leslie absolutely would.
Merry Mothmas
4 years ago
4 years ago
He was a school friend of theirs, after all.
4 years ago
nov has def been hectic all around i hope things are going well tho
4 years ago
also im down w/ doing smthng the latter half of dec if you wanted to dip your toes back in, since i'm slowly catching up myself after being away
4 years ago
4 years ago
Kaede's here to be an emotionally stunted therapy cat
4 years ago
don't expect her to know what a healthy coping mechanism is but at least her feathers are soft
4 years ago
discontinued: I’m struggling a bit, but I’m struggling less than I was earlier.
4 years ago
And she'd pick up on Leslie being upset quickly
4 years ago
As much as my heart says I WANT A GERALT THREAD RIGHT NOW, my head says that the idea of going with the latter half of December is the wiser decision, doubly when you also are catching up.
4 years ago
sounds good! i'm looking forward to chucking them together again after the nightmare incident
4 years ago
blueraven: I’m pretty sure that hugging someone fluffy is a healthy coping mechanism as it is.
4 years ago
Leslie will appreciate it.
4 years ago
discontinued: GOSH yes. They learned much about each other.
that's fine with me! survival mode is... relatable ;; we can take it slow
Killua will want to take care of her tbh. he needs someone to be useful for
4 years ago
Leslie is good at being that. She is grateful very easily.
I left a thing in her inbox if you want to do that. if not we can think of something else and I can delete. no worries
4 years ago
I...managed to never actually see that comment. It looks good to me!
it's ok! im cool with whatever, no rush
4 years ago
I just woke up so braining, hard. But glad you okay
Done Owl
4 years ago
4 years ago
Thanks, everyone.
4 years ago
As far as seeing Gil again, I'm fine with waiting until next month if she's overwhelmed.
4 years ago
Did you want to do some kind of multiples thing again perhaps, with some other CR? I know Leslie always seems to be interacting with a number of adults, so I figured we could play it by ear for December quests.
4 years ago
Unless you have other ideas.
4 years ago
Next month is probably best. I don't have specific ideas, so playing by ear when we know What's Up in December sounds good.
4 years ago
If anyone wants a multi-way thread, I'm down.
i think dads are having a dad conference, so i can hit you up later <3
4 years ago
hahaha god which dads
4 years ago
what is gil's relation to leslie now
4 years ago
4 years ago
Oh my gosh, a dad conference. I'm excited.
4 years ago
omygosh tho if you mean the orphan helping thread
4 years ago
Roger that! I'll get to the backtags I have in the meantime.
4 years ago
THE COUNCIL THREAD maybe that's what part of what she means LOL
4 years ago
Gilgamesh is ICly very good with kids.
4 years ago
4 years ago
it's tru, it's in Cooking with Emiya
4 years ago
which is premised on Hollow Ataraxia
4 years ago
comes up in CCC too
4 years ago
and Babylonia
4 years ago
so yes it's consistent actually
4 years ago
well, except when he ate them in FSN but
4 years ago
u know
4 years ago
We all have a bad day
4 years ago
4 years ago
He probably ate them well.
4 years ago
Kirei doth provide.
sundad and gothdad gotta chat if they're gonna co-parent!!
4 years ago
4 years ago
4 years ago
You just got to get a ship(?) with one of GS's characters. Time to force a connection between Ozy and GS's other character.
4 years ago
i want in on some side of this
4 years ago
if gothdad is l
4 years ago
and sundad is ozy
4 years ago
we in for trash uncle duties ig
yobousiesho: i know idk how i keep ending up co-parenting with gs' characters, but HERE WE ARE
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