would you like to annoy jorgmund's IT department with inane tech problems? want to fuck around in the kitchen and find out if the chefs have strongly held opinions about the state you left it in? i am here to help.
this is part of a general push to make the NPCs of the setting more present (if not always relatable, because there will always be Plankers in the world) that you'll be seeing more of across the game, not just through my own efforts, that i'm really excited to be a part of.
now time to go through my plurk list and figure out who i haven't added yet.
At least my cook is good about cleaning up after himself.
alternately i could make this plurk public, so people can follow without friending and this can be replurked for everyone to see ... that would take less time immediately, so i might do that for now actually and go back to fill in the gaps as we go.
litshard: good thing he is, i've seen what cajun cooking leaves a kitchen looking like otherwise
I hope the kitchen has a knife block instead of keeping all the knives in drawers, or else Brand is going to have opinions right back!
(i bet the kitchen in the executive suites has a knife block.)
they probably have one of those electric knife sharpeners in the regular kitchen
Brand: [pained noises, starts rehabbing all of the knives and building makeshift knife storage until he can get off the Rig for a mission and get a proper block]
does the Rig have a wood shop?
and new hires can get access if they're good little boys and girls
...he participated enthusiastically in the calendar shoot?
he might have to endure some jokes about already having wood, tho
brand's daddy material enough he can endure some dad jokes, presumably
internal monologue: don't stab don't stab don't stab...
brand will make at least one person in the cafeteria kitchen's day if he makes them a knife block, i suspect
he has VERY STRONG OPINIONS about knife care
(and Jorgmund probably fixes their broken laundry machines, so he won't piss anyone off by trying to put socks in the dishwasher)
(sorry Queenie)
if the laundry machines broke, the new hires would be doing it by hand
that's a terrible plot idea waiting to happen, you know
oh no, being sadistic to characters
i've never been party to such a thing
the staff onboard the Rig will never have a relationship as cordial and mutually supportive relationship as the Legionnaires did with their dimension-displaced teammates had, but i hope to help in giving them just as much life as the Legion NPCs had, at least.