I've felt "off" for awhile but I didn't start feeling like utter crap until about Monday/Tuesday
And now I feel especially like utter crap
I did not lose my taste or smell so I was thinking it wasn't covid, rather something linked to my vertigo issues or maybe even another round of bronchitis, but no, it's that
what are the doctors saying? do they have an idea how bad it's gonna be for you?
I guess in the back of my mind I always thought this was inevitable given I work in a grocery store in the South, where people either do not respect restrictions at all or do it in a very lax manner
flamingchemist: the doctor I tested with said my case
seemed pretty mild and that's most of what they're getting at their clinic, but we'll have to see
I'm definitely out of work until at least the 26th
that's good at least... is there anything I can do to help?
That said, I'm eternally exhausted, my head feels like it's full of fizzy cotton, and I keep having dizzy spells
oh no! i'm so sorry
i hope it isn't too bad for you and that it passes quickly
Thank you but I'll be okay. I live alone so I can quarantine easily enough, my parents and best friend (thank you Gel) both know about what's happening and are close enough to do something if there's an emergency, and I have two fuzzy nurses
okay, I'll settle for sending all the healthy vibes I can muster in your direction
honestly I should've known it was bad when the girls went absolutely bonkers earlier in the week trying to be near me and just wanting All The Attention
cats know, guys. they really do know
ugh, they really do. they're shockingly perceptive
/snugs shit I'm sorry. I hope it passes quickly and it stays as mild as possible
anyway, doctor recommended tylenol (not ibuprofin), vitamin C, and zync, so I just ordered all those tablets off amazon and they'll be here on Monday. I did grocery stock runs over the weekend/Monday so I actually have a lot of staple foods (and fresh milk), but I'll probably need to do a delivery in a few days of some fresh stuff
crap, yeah that too. forgot that
I'll order that and then go pass out in bed for awhile
oh no, I hope it's not serious and you can recover quickly
I was just thinking I should text you since I hadn't heard from you here in a bit. I hope recovery goes well and your case continues to be mild.
Oh no. I hope you make a speedy recovery!
oh no! D: I hope it's not too bad, and that you recover quickly! Rest as much as possible!
Yikes, man. Sending all the healthy vibes your way.
D: oh noes. Stay hydrated and get sleep!!!
oh shit. please take care!
Oh no! Sending you all the good energy.
D: get you some rest and feel better! let us know if we can help with anything, yes?
I'm glad to hear your case is pretty mild. Take care
Thank you, everyone
I'm hoping this passes soon, it suuuuucks
I send a healing fairy
oh no! pls take care of yourself
Oh, YIKES, dude. I hope it passes as swiftly and as mildly as it can.
oh fuck, i’m so sorry dude! sending you all the good vibes that you get through this easily
/hugs you here too