parallelbotany thinks
15 years ago
she is a baseball widow, so to speak
latest #7
ColtPixy says
15 years ago
i am a sci-fi widow
parallelbotany says
15 years ago
i like baseball, but in a sort of girly way, I guess
ColtPixy says
15 years ago
yeah there butts look cute in the uniform er...did i say that out loud :-o
parallelbotany says
15 years ago
*clutches pearls* (blush)
Brandy says
15 years ago
I feel like a video game widow sometimes. I like baseball, so we watch and go to games together. :-)
parallelbotany says
15 years ago
I like baseball too, but don't have the capacity to watch it all the time...
mshy says
15 years ago
RIP baseball :-P
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