3 years ago
Neznáte nějakého test automation testera z Brna co hledá práci?
3 years ago
znám jednu holku, ale záleželo by kolik zkušeností hledate :-)
3 years ago
What should you know?
Some knowledge is essential for us:
•basic knowledge of C# programming language
•experience with database querying (MSSQL)
•previously used some automation framework (Selenium or other)
•testing experience (manual or automated)
•English language
•you like working in team and you are focused on details and eager to learn new things
3 years ago
And you can get plus points for some experience:
•experience with TDD
•performance/load testing
•reporting tools
•user-level knowledge of CI/CD tools (TeamCity, Octopus, ...)
•cloud-hosted solutions
3 years ago
to asi spíš nic :/ Mam takovou spíš juniorku automatizační, ale seniorku manualni v Brně
3 years ago
tak mohla to apson zkusit, ne?