Congrats, folks - you did it! Perhaps barely, depending on how many survive, but thanks to some key decisions, the World Eater has fallen! And Beacon... Well, it might just be all right eventually.
If you would like your character to risk death and serious injury in this event, feel free to enter them here! And if you like, thread out the situation that got them to that point
As mentioned previously, in early April there will be an aftermath/epilogue post so everyone who wants to can learn a little more about the ultimate fate of Beacon and can describe what everyone's characters will be up to now from here on out
The World Eater image is modified from and property of Trevor Henderson, aka slimyswampghost, whose art inspired this game pretty much from the beginning
HD tsunami bomb underwater nuclear explosion 1958 op... To picture what the bomb detonation might have looked like if it could be seen in daylight, inspiration was drawn from the Umbrella underwater nuclear test, which found that although its effects were absolutely devastating at the site of the explosion,
the water mitigated the impacts outside that region, meaning most of the observing ships were unharmed, and there was even very little radioactive fallout compared to detonating a bomb over land