fuck. tornado. I think we just very narrowly missed it
like 5 miles north of me. it was 2 miles wide. glad locally they use the same siren system I grew up with in MI coz I heard that and hustled. with a go bag and cat
3 years ago
The one in Newnan? I didn’t know you were that far south
3 years ago
You guys ok?
Yeah, it was terrifying. but fortunately it passed quickly and amazingly at an angle that we didn't even get rain, hail. The wind picked up then was just dead. The way the whole thing was moving it looked like it was right at us but nothing happened other than lights going out etc
Kid in Savannah called me in tears through the whole thing. My cat still isn't coming out of his carrier he says. I'm just dead tired cause no sleep since storms were coming after as well and I had to be at work at 5am