Anyone have recommendations on what to set the L$ sale price at on the market for a quicker sale, but not a total giveaway?
go to Linden exchange > Manage > sell L$, scroll down til you see this chart:
at 241L$ per USD, it will sell immediately. at the next price point, 240L$ per USD, there is a backlog of around 10 million L$, this will take 1-2 days to clear so if you sell at 240L$ you'll have the USD in your account in 1-2 days
to actually sell, use the "Offer to Sell Linden Dollars (Limit Sell)" box and enter both the amount you want to sell, and the exchange rate, for instance 240
if you use "Market sell" instead of "Limit sell", you will get the USD in your account immediately but the exchange rate isn't as great.
it's not a "rip-off" though. 10.000 L$ at "market sell" rates nets 38.72 USD, at "limit sell" and 240L$ it nets 40.22 USD.
you can enter numbers and see what it spits out, it won't do anything until you press "offer to sell"
and if you're in a hurry to get the USD, keep in mind that cashing out from the account to paypal takes a few days.
and yes - as far as i know - this is the only way allowed by the TOS to convert L$ to USD. i'm sure you can find people who'll offer to buy L$ directly from you but really, why would you do that?
if you're really worried about getting "ripped-off", the best way to accomplish this is to sell L$ outside the official exchange.
jackalennui: and how do you sell Lindens outside the official exchange? Didn’t know that was a thing!
you ask around on dodgy forums and find someone who wants to do a transaction
which is why i recommend not doing it, because worst case, you'll lose the L$ AND your account.
Ohhhhhhh yeah eeek I’ll just wait
according to Market Data (which is also one of the options under Manage) you'll probably sell at 240 in the same day, it's been dipping into the 239 every day for a while (which means it's been selling everything listed at 240 first). if you list at 239, it might take weeks even- it needs to sell all the 239 listed before you and while it's dipping TO that
every day, it's likely just skimming a little off the top every day so that'll take time.
and yeah, use the official exchange only. they shut down the "legitimate" alternate exchanges, so the only other option now is pretty shady
(and if you list on a slow day, or just as the market is bouncing, you may not sell at 240 super fast- but long term, it's been dipping to 239 pretty consistently so it's _likely_ that'll sell in a day)
Allegory: Thank you! That’s really helpful!!