/stays put
Not getting rid of me.
I don't go there but... /plants self and grows roots
for you both
I'm keeping my butt parked right here
If ya want something slower paced and cracktastic, you could try on Hugs~! /obligatory pimping
Would Ichigo leave behind anything important for his close CR friends to find? Books items inventory?
Maybe after we move! Perky and I are now apartment hunting because a house was not gonna work out rn
Xingchen will notice, so he's going to gather a group of healers to work together as a medical staff
All the medical books are still there
Yeah I heard. How's that going?
Willow's gonna miss him, but will step up in healer duties if necessary
We’re looking at two this weekend
Who's gonna take care of Shiro, since grimm also's dropping?
Where he will find his medical books? In the library?
He can either be adopted or go with them
And good luck with housing /hugs
Yes. Books are in the library. Medical supplies are staying, too. So draw kits and blood bags and the cooler
funny thought: Shiro becomes medcar catte, everyone takes care of him equally that wants to XD support medcat? lol
which apartments are you guys looking at?
One on 92nd and one in Sunnyside
If you like Xingchen can adopt Shiro but if you preferred someone else please let us know!
Definitely medcar mascot catte
If he wants a kitty, Shiro is well trained
he needs a kitty harness that says "medcar mascot" or something now lol
He has a harness! Get him a patch from the spooder
It has a carry handle on it
He definitely wants cat and will go search for him wandering...Poor Shiro and we call him Dr.Shiro too ;;
Pandora if you wanna do a thread on platform regarding shiro, I can set something up, bc she'll recognise shiro
also, 92nd in portland I think ye?
My commute would increase, but perky could make it on her scooter
couldn't find anything out here?
Yeah we should come May and organize the trains healers too
I'd be up for a joint log of Willow and XXC asking for a headcount, or bring it up to lightning /moves this discussion elsewhere