So my boss started a few months ago
he's been picking up more of his duties it there's also been a lot of hiring. like a LOT of hiring
So, there are monthly facility reports, which he took, technically as of last month but I did them because he didn't have time
Do I address this? I checked because he's...not...always...good at keeping track of things
And I considered reminding him last week but didn't
Maybe phrasing it like "I was curious about last month's report, so I looked for it but it's not showing up-could there have been a tech glitch that means it didn't make it across the internets when you sent it?" would help, but yeah, I'd check in about it.
There's literally no reason for me to be curious though, is the thing.
They're facility reports and since I did last month's I know exactly what was in it.
Ah, right, that makes it more difficult. Maybe asking if everything went smoothly when he sent it in?
Worrying about tech glitches is valid, IMHO.
It's like...okay, he's a nice guy and god knows he's 100% better at organizing data into spreadsheets than I am and thinking of ways to track numbers.
He's calm and professional.
And he's been shoved into doing a lot of staff stuff that I wouldn't want to put on a new person.
Until we got the new circ supervisor, he was in charge of circ, which is a mess of personal issues.
Plus the aforementioned hiring.
This isn't the first time he's missed a deadline on a task
Well okay, unless a former coworker is lying - and honestly, she wouldn't - he didn't complete a book order, which I noticed on the day of and did myself.
And he's terrible at communication.
1) he didn't send an email telling everyone that the magazines would be put back out as of this Monday and said he did
2) There was supposed to be training on Monday and Matthew, my coworker who was supposed to be training the person, didn't find out about it at all until he was told that it was delayed two weeks
These are...pretty typical instances.
And it's been since the end of January
Like...he's been here long enough to settle a little at least?
And even regarding circ, the new supervisor started over a month ago so he should have a bit more time?
Which is why I'm torn as to whether I should help him here or let it go.
re: settling in: You would think, but brains are weird. Unfortunately, bringing up that you've noticed this is tricky since he's your boss, though asking if his first attempt at a task went smoothly would be okay in my opinion.
I want him to succeed, but it's not my job to monitor him, you know? he's an adult.
Indeed. For things like missing deadlines and such, if he's got folks he answers to, letting them address it might be best.
He definitely does. I just...also worry because I'm the backup for it and I don't want this to land on me? So I think I'll send the reminder just to establish that it was HIS job this month.
Sounds good. If you all have a regular meeting time, using part of that to check in on how he's settling in and such might help.
If you don't, maybe asking about establishing one might be good. I REALLY wish I'd done that with my bosses at my first library job.
We have monthly one on ones and also biweekly supervisor meetings so
Agree with everyone that a gentle check in would be fine
"I just wanted to see if you had any questions after putting in the monthly facilities reports. I know that we went over everything in April but since it’s so hectic and this is the first month you’ve been responsible for them I figured I’d check in."