Please join me in my hashtag campaign SarenDidNothingWrongActually
You're right and you should say it
Saren walked into the issue a little more willingly than most folks, and he was definitely a real piece of work before that, but ultimately he is not at fault for the worst shit he did.
dude was riding around in a fucking Reaper for at least a year
that will fuck you up real bad
Yeah like everyone should be like “wow look at that strong willed fucker go down fighting” to be Frank
Yes he was an awful person (well...) but- most of his more abhorrent crimes weren’t even like. His. It’s like Benezia
I think he was too aware of himself for people to ever give him an exoneration. Like, clearly he could not have turned against the Reapers, he was being controlled, but his indoctrination was slow enough, and he retained enough of his mind, that the optics are just.... real bad.
Like on one hand, he was full stockholm syndrome for a minute there
that's not disloyalty, that's mental sickness
Like Saren clearly had some Problems beyond just being space racist
but on the other hand, the [gestures at all of his dialogue] is not doing his case any favors
yeah he doesn't make himself particularly sympathetic but like
i don't think he would have wanted [gestures at Priority: Palavan]
oh sure. He grew up experiencing a lot of hardship and his dead brother issue really fucked him up. You don't get to be a spectre by being from a safe and stable environment, normal people with no mental health problems don't really qualify for "black ops agent who is liscenced to perform extrajudicial executions without permission or apology"
i feel like "dead sibling/parent/lover" is practically a prereq for spectre status
having trauma builds character i g u e s s
by that logic the krogan should all get to be spectres :V
Another character who deserves to be given more respect: Ashley Williams
replaying with MELE has taken me from "Ash is a little cringe, but I like her so much"
..........................................honestly, krogan spectre when
he could do a good job, being a spectre runs in his family
replaying MELE has made me love her so much more. i honestly did not like her during my first playthrough though I did grow to like her by my last ME playthrough in like... 2018 - but now I'm like ASHLEY HAS A POINT
and omg i would kill for grunt to become a spectre ;;
he deserves it the goodest boy