We'll see about comm permissions etc. for sandboxy purposes... another night. In the meantime, here's the fruits of your labor.
Thank you all again; this would have been literally impossible without player actions.
AHHH this will be a later thing to ta
But thank you for this closure... it's been a wonderful ride
We never wanted to become a COVID casualty.
I've got to say, when Chloe told Minako the Arcana would probably have an awards show she wasn't picturing Oprah’s Christmas giveaway
It took... considerably longer than we wanted it to. But here we are.
part awards show and part graduation speech really
sometime, someday I do want to run my fairies jaunt...
Beatrice is so very, very proud
That she was marked by someone as incapable of getting to the point as she is
This was an amazing fucking game and I'm so glad I was part of it
it wasn't always easy, but modding syn is one of the things I'm proudest of
I will do my best to hit this up with both Ignis and Drizzt
It was a wonderful game, and I really enjoyed it, and I'm still talking to so many people I met through it
yeah i mean anyone and everyone can add me on plurk or discord
or ffxiv if you're on primal
Also, Coming Soon-Ish: Pre-Moebius jaunt lore!
We already know what the jaunts were, but we wanna give you a general idea of what happened on them as well.
ROSE putting up an IC AMA
Nerdorama: listen, she talks FIRST and she talks FAST. nothing in her idiom about beinfmg concise.
I don't think I've got the brainspace to tag into this, but I'm glad to see the game get a final send-off!
so do I understand this correctly that everyone can choose their destination as a group, but if they cannot go home permanently?
anyone who wants can go home permanently - they just may have to wait a while, as Liminal Space cannot reach everywhere simultaneously. but within a few weeks, anyone who wants could go home for good.
and if they only want to go home for a while? to wrap things up, or get certain tasks done, and later reunite with liminal friends in relations?
they can do that as long as they arrange with someone who keeps Traveling to swing back and pick them up
(or if they have ridic Liminal Skills, can probably hitch-hike back... or Psychic Skills, call for a ride...)
I'll be tagging with my two disasters when I get home!! I'm so incredibly happy that this was my first dw game, and that it's getting its finale
Four years. I know, because Sara’s age was a big deal, and I celebrated her birthdays in game.
Thank you for the sandbox
And for letting me use the monkeybars for the Quest
And the memories, and Sara’s last hurrah.
thank you mods for the game! it was a wonderful time while I was in it and I met so many awesome people
(I don't think it makes sense to have Star drop in, considering, but they're incredibly proud too.)
I'm all over this. Thank you all. I never thought I'd have to look at Altair's skill list again lmao
I still consider Syn my latest "home" game. I'm not even sure if I'll find another one. Thank you everyone for getting me so invested in your plots and characters, even if I may not have said so directly.
thank you for playing with us
Right back atcha! I always wish I could have brought more characters in.