ErknJrk is
15 years ago
sad that twitter is going to slow for me today!
latest #16
ClosetCreature says
15 years ago
my twitter fox is too slow too...
ErknJrk says
15 years ago
I's like it doesn't want to work..::sniffles::
ClosetCreature says
15 years ago
sometimes it get over loaded though. I had over 200 tweets yesterday when I got home! :-o
ErknJrk says
15 years ago
wow..I'm trying to get my goal is to at least hit the 300 follower mark! Add me! LOL
franni says
15 years ago
franni says
15 years ago
well maybe not wtf is wrong with twitter its so slo
franni says
15 years ago
ErknJrk says
15 years ago
see! LOL It's like a twitter strike!
ClosetCreature says
15 years ago
acctually I only have about 30 that I follow and as many that follow me, I just have active tweeters... (LOL)
ErknJrk says
15 years ago
uh huh..rub it in lol..I have some great tweeters too
ClosetCreature says
15 years ago
I didn't say thay were all great, just active.. (LOL) sometimes they just have conversastions back and forth.
ClosetCreature says
15 years ago
Birdy and I would flirt on it until we found here ;-)
ErknJrk says
15 years ago
lol..same here..some of convos I'm lost..I have a lot of eco followers pretty interesting tweets
ClosetCreature says
15 years ago
I follow some WNBA players, *is a big fan of the San Antonio Silver Stars* and I follow former Stars players
ClosetCreature says
15 years ago
They have interesting convo's about thier lives
ErknJrk says
15 years ago
that would be cool! I have a lot of Etsy and Artfire peeps..and a bunch of indie blogs and mags
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