So! Bozja can give you some pretty valuable things but it's alllll RNG - If you're a crafter, a good way of doing it is grinding out the ishgard resto stuff and sell those rewards
the diadem is boring as hell i won't lie to you, but you can also buy those mats from the market board. I'd suggest doing that and then gathering the extra bits you need for the recipes!
hmmm.. do you know which mats/recipes are most popular off the top of your head? Just so I know kind of what to go for.. I'm unfamiliar with how to look at the mb for trends and such..
sure sure, so first of all, are you crafters all roughly the same level? I ask because if they are, you'll be able to craft the inbetween steps! the one that my partner tells me to go for are CRP and LTW, because they share a pot of the materials!