3 years ago
General update: still alive
latest #37
3 years ago
Still generally on my bullshit.
3 years ago
Still generally trying to get back into RP and only having very mixed success.
3 years ago
Still planning on continuing to try!
3 years ago
Honestly, for a while I really feel like I just needed a break and it wasn't where my heart was? But now, I have really WANTED to play for like... multiple weeks now.
3 years ago
But I've been having REALLY bad brain fog and just like, really extended, low-key chronic illness stuff and issues sleeping and whatnot. Which has made ANY kind of creativity difficult.
3 years ago
I don't usually get brain fog very badly as a symptom of my chronic stuff-- typically the issue is more fatigue so strong I can't really sit up the extra time to play, if something is keeping me down, or needing to use all my spoons on staying gainfully employed and fed and clean and stuff.
3 years ago
So having the energy to do something but not being able to brain my way through properly using a toaster much less pretending to be someone else is new for me and I have to say that I DON'T MUCH LIKE IT, THANKS.
3 years ago
But overall, things are generally ok. I usually end up happier and more productive during the fall, so maybe that will happen this time as the weather gets cooler.
3 years ago
But anyway! I miss playing with everyone and talking more with people and hope you're all doing well!
3 years ago
I feel this so hard.
3 years ago
This is a common feeling these days, though. The constant grinding low level stress of existing during terminal capitalism has been added to with the pandemic and all the US politics shit and people are literally experiencing a kind of cognitive decline.
3 years ago
And quite often it manifests as severe brain fog, loss of word finding ability, all the really higher brain functions.
3 years ago
There have been studies. Because of course there have. What else have most people got to do? XD;
3 years ago
Yeah I definitely have felt a LOT of my mental and physical health just decline all over the place from having to be in the house all the time. And I LIKE BEING IN THE HOUSE.
3 years ago
Like, I am starting to like... I don't want to get covid but I am getting close to the point of like...
3 years ago
The risk of Covid versus the risk of me continuing to deteriorate because of being inside this long is starting to hit the balance where I'm like "fine cough on me but please let me go back to the office"
3 years ago
I am SO SCARED of getting covid or anyone around me getting covid. But what having to live my entire life in the same room, basically, is doing to me is starting to feel worse.
3 years ago
Aye, same here. Phrases like 'stir crazy' or 'cabin fever' just don't put across the extent of what this is doing to people.
3 years ago
And I do still try to get out and do things on the weekend and whatnot. I haven't been shy about going out and about after I got vaccinated-- I just mask and distance and try to avoid crowds when possible.
3 years ago
But it's the like... 9-5 weekday living out of the same room. I eat, play, sleep, work, everything in the same set of rooms all day, every day, and interact with the same people every day and I just want to scream.
3 years ago
(even though everyone I interact with on the reg is lovely)
yeah... i've been doing better recently because snow's parents moved near us and they are CONSTANTLY asking us over to dinner or on walks and stuff.
3 years ago
But yeah. "stir crazy" isn't enough to describe what I'm feeling.
and it's helped a surprising amount.
3 years ago
I'm hoping the weather getting cooler will help-- it's been too hot to go outside on a whim in MONTHS.
3 years ago
I have a nice backyard where I could at least get some fresh air and some controlled sunlight, but when it's 100 degrees every day, it's hard.
3 years ago
blech, yeah, that's too hot to exist.
oh yeah. like it's not near as hot here as where you are, but i'm so glad it's fall and cooling off.
3 years ago
bonfire tiiiiiime. outside social distancing without being miseraaaaable.
3 years ago
Oh man-- we still have quite a ways to go before I would be comfortable at a bonfire, temperature-wise, but that would be lovely.
yeah we're regularly down in the 40-50s at night rn
3 years ago
40s is good sleeping weather, at least.
yeah it's been nice.
3 years ago
Open the window a bit, curl up under some blankets... ^.^
the dog is waiting eagerly for the day we turn on the fireplace
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