Yao-Yao Bear
3 years ago
The ruling party has place the country in a position of the surrogate war between US and China - Which is likely to cost lives of me, you and our children. There has to be a better way...I think.

Britain and France had to choose between war and dishonour. They chose dishonour. They will have war.
Yao-Yao Bear
3 years ago
Kouliang: 我聽過這句話呀,或許是對的,所以我也困惑怎樣才是正確的道路。
人不辱華 華自辱
3 years ago
今天不是我們要進攻中國, 侵略中國, 一再的被中國壓迫生存空間, 再不反抗只是讓中國更進一步, 他們不會因為你不反抗而停止, 美國雖然也是為自已的利益才提供台灣對抗中國的力量, 對台灣而這也是互利
Yao-Yao Bear
3 years ago
Kouliang: 如果擱置爭議,異中求同,兩岸是不是可以慢慢磨合出一種和平共存的形式?不過看了香港的例子,我的期望又低了一些