Not doing super great mentally or creatively still, but am now officially having more good days than bad and have been for a while now.
Might actually be able to manage exercise soon! I'd love it if I could.
Got my booster shot today, so that's awesome!
Pro-tip- Walgreens at least makes you certify that you have a condition that qualifies you, but does NOT ask you which one.
I DO actually have a condition that qualifies me, but if you just wanted the booster, you could just... get it, at this point.
We were in and out in well under an hour.
Ahh I’m so glad you’re alive and having more good than bad
I'm not really planning on trying to really hop back on the RP bandwagon, even casually, until after the holidays, because I know when Endwalker happens, I'm going to seriously focus shift, but I'm feeling REALLY HOPEFUL about being able to play again in the New Yar.
I've really missed it. I've really missed a LOT of things, honestly. But it's just not been there-- it sounds so dramatic but I've really just kind of been hunkered down and doing the work of surviving and remaining sane and gainfully employed.
And I feel like I got better when the world got better for that brief, glorious moment through the early summer... but then as we stretched back into fall and more COVID bullshit, I lost whatever progress I had. I am an extreme introvert, but whether it's a symptom of not being neurotypical or whether it's just my particular "bullshit", I was not meant
Sort of coping better as it stops being a million degrees and I can actually step outside and am not sweating in my house, and just fall/winter is MY JAM, BABY.
On the fun front, I should be getting my last (combat) class to 80 tonight in FFXIV.
Which is something I feel like I've been striving towards FOREVER.
<3 i'm glad things are getting better. these two years have been ROUGH.
Yeah, no kidding. I had NO IDEA how much of my being a successful human being was built on specific routines and rituals until everything was thrown out of whack and I have NOT BEEN COPING WELL.
So I had two days of tired, space-brain after the booster, but not really ever SICK, but the injection site is swollen and angry red. Been monitoring it and I don't think it's serious or a problem.
But it does make me wonder if it's not OVER yet, yanno?
Why? Why would I get the sudden RP bug RIGHT BEFORE ENDWALKER?
My creativity has been in the GARBAGE for well over a month with no sign of life. Today? Brain only want RP.
But that’s WHOLLY unfair because I’m straight up dropping RP like a hot potato for a month in three days and have been planning to do so for months now.