and by that i mean he's not quite a conventional-looking whiteboy sort. his looks are precise and they're in proportion with themselves but not each other. he's got big ears and a vaguely funny nose. and that's what makes him actually pretty,
the little scars on his jawline and mouth. the fact his nose is crooked (which he's sensitive about). his crooked teeth. the goofy smile that kind of stays in the middle of his face.
a significant part of his takeover of TRL is related to the fact that he was the "none of the above" write-in on a dire era of pop culture, but also the fact that he was actually hotter than N*SYNC without looking like he was trying
another thing about his looks is that he's pretty rather than handsome, but there is absolutely nothing androgynous about him. or even childlike - he's boyish, but that is as much down to his personality and mannerisms as his actual face