St. Haint
2 years ago
Gonna finally be honest with myself and drop from the game.
latest #7
St. Haint
2 years ago
I just don't have the time and energy for it and it isn't fair to people to keep being a ghost there.
St. Haint
2 years ago
I'm mostly very sorry to golaudydd . I really enjoy playing with you and I'm sorry to abandon Charlotte
Not a worry!! You're so awesome and have been a joy to tag with, and Charlotte will miss Cinder terribly. You've got an awesome world built up, and I love learning about it.
Imma keep you, if that's all right?
You do what you need to for you!
St. Haint
2 years ago
Thanks for keeping me. :-)
Bundles, we didn't get to tag much but thank you for the threads we did get to do!
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