Roommate in the old, cramped house with bad ventilation has COVID.
Said roommate has ONLY been outside of the house places that I have been outside of the house for the last month.
Did I give it to him from somewhere else I'd been?
Did we get it at the same place?
Can I possibly avoid getting it if I haven't had it?
Inquiring minds want to know.
Honestly, other than the fear that it will be bad, I'm kind of... like...
Well, at least I'll get it over with.
It's been my opinion that everyone's eventually going to get the omicron version since I read about it. It's just a question of trying to spread it out and reduce the symptoms.
I've been careful, but I'm also REALLY suffering bad mental health to the point of it verging on dangerous (I am in no danger, I haven't ever actually been in danger, just could feel it edging to that point) with just staying in the house worrying.
So I HAVE been going out and doing stuff, masked and distant.
And even with omicron, wasn't going to stop. So I knew eventually there was a good chance of this, because no one wears their mask in the Southern Wasteland of this great nation.
So honestly, I'm kind of accepting of just like... going ahead and getting it fairly early in this "wave" so I don't have to worry.
It's blindingly easy for our house to quarantine, so I'm not worried about that, either-- it's just VERY hard for us to quarantine from each other.
Roommates and I had a discussion about that early pandemic of like... there is no contingency plan if one of us gets sick, the house is too small. We're just in this together. So I already just kind of have that level of acceptance as well.
Honestly, other than there being ABSOLUTELY NO EASY WAY TO GET TESTED around here, and so feeling like a ticking time bomb sitting here typing, I'm surprisingly zen about the whole thing.
y'all all rest up and take care ok?
Working on it.
Test for me tomorrow, tests coming by mail on Sunday. Unable to get a test anywhere in the whole area for Rt3.
But the pandemic is over yall didn’t you hear?
Trying not to panic check my email post-COVID test
Somehow, I have managed to not have it. Or I suppose I had it earlier and no longer do.