So they've made a Rescue Rangers movie??? I'm withholding judgement, but I can't even express how obsessed I was with Roger Rabbit, so that was a fun and effective cameo to include.
latest #24
Wayward Haze
2 years ago
Wayward Haze
2 years ago
I'm intrigued but I'm not hyped
Did Dale really have to say surgery tho
Not like. Enhancement, or makeover, or lift, or literally anything else
And I'm not entirely sure how I feel about Monty having a "cheese" problem (sure let's call it that)
Or about cheese as an analogue for drugs, I mean wouldn't that taint the whole original show
2 years ago
granted it's been like two decades since i watched the og but i do seem to remember his obsession with cheese getting all of them in trouble multiple times
YES it was definitely an uncontrollable compulsion that was played for laughs, but I never, even as an adult, equated it with drugs.
But if they're going for a Roger Rabbit -esque world (without the gritty film noir theme), I guess it makes sense? But it would feel more complete with that dark undertone running throughout
2 years ago
ok now that i've watched the trailer i am DEEPLY intrigued
2 years ago
i love the roger rabbit concept of cartoons and live action existing alongside each other and i am losing my mind over John Mulaney voicing Dale
Lol everyone's mad the voices are different
Monty sounds pretty much the same
But yeah, I loved the template Roger Rabbit established
2 years ago
I think it goes totally well with the different tone, like - it reminds me of the baby from the very beginning of Roger Rabbit actually
2 years ago
how in the cartoon that was being filmed he talked like a baby and when the cameras weren't rolling he had the voice of a MAN
Baby Huey lol oh man
2 years ago
it immediately reinforces the idea that the Rescue Rangers cartoon was an in-universe fictional show
And he smoked and drank and slapped someone on the butt
2 years ago
yes exactly
Yeah, I like the idea is cartoons as TV and movie stars. Betty Boop selling tobacco at a club bc she's out of work
2 years ago
Rescue Rangers Movie Trailer Broke Me... I Try To Ex... this reviewer mentioned how IRL making chippy voices involves the actors speaking slowly and then having their voices sped up and therefore raised in pitch which is also a good point
2 years ago
like since the framing device is the chipmunks being actors on a cartoon show it makes sense that their voices are normal when not on set
Oh my gooossshhhh i love that
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