original_fine saw this and thought of you kate ! 🍎 on Twitter
latest #9
Luke Skywanker
2 years ago
Luke Skywanker
2 years ago
back when men bothered to dress
Luke Skywanker
2 years ago
This entire photoshoot is bonkers.
Luke Skywanker
2 years ago
https://images.plurk.com/7d96asxpTR8kydAevcjwt9.jpg https://images.plurk.com/2cFUvJur0PQWGjEGIl0pcc.jpg https://images.plurk.com/503xt8u8b8HyVBrniy1p5j.jpg https://images.plurk.com/7jmzLRzJvDhoPKy5eEYgj5.jpg
Luke Skywanker
2 years ago
just a taste
uhhhhhhh wow
Luke Skywanker
2 years ago
I already had an inkling McCartney was secretly a 90s pop princess and now I'm sure
Luke Skywanker
2 years ago
Anyway it's the "Mad Day Out" shoot and it's wild
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