Why would the Taiwanese translation of 10Dance
1) not mention the name of the song (“Samba de Orly”)
2) poorly translate it into English
3) fit it into a text bubble that is clearly not big enough

Elaboration in the replies: https://images.plurk.com/5CyLumnSmDnzB7pWPd5Mbr.jpg https://images.plurk.com/3n20ZZMjiuZcxJRO7GUJ5n.jpg
latest #24
1). The song referenced in the title is named Samba de Orly, written by Chico Buarque and released in 1970, during a time of political persecution in Brazil. Buarque, an artist who was very vocal about being against the dictatorship, was exiled to Europe and named the song after Orly Airport in Paris, the destination for many exiled artists.
1) Even though the context wasn’t needed, it’s still odd that the TW translation took Marcel’s line out of the dialogue. It went from the original “want me to sing Samba de Orly for you?” To a vague “want me to sing it?”. So even if readers wanted to search up the song, they wouldn’t be able to because the lyrics weren’t even left in their original language?
2). As I said, the context of Samba de Orly doesn’t fit with the romantic dancing. That’s fine, 10 Dance does it all the time. What I don’t understand is why both the US and TW versions would translate this from the original Brazilian Portuguese.
I can make a pass for the US version since they added a translator’s note, but the TW version most definitely entered the text through a machine translator. Again, this makes it very hard for readers to find the song if they wanted.
3). I’m being nitpicky since the English translation has been an offender of this, but... you couldn’t have make it look nicer..?
Closing thoughts: I’m overall very satisfied with both translated versions of 10 Dance, but this puzzles me to no end. Samba de Orly is a beautiful song and deserves to be credited in the pages of the chapter, and it really didn’t have to be translated.

And yeah I wrote this rant solely because I’m utterly obsessed with this song
Finally, here’s Chico Buarque’s “Samba de Orly” from his Construçào album (1970): Samba De Orly
Further reading on Samba de Orly: Samba de Orly – Lyrical Brazil
2 years ago
Yes, I would love to know which song they were singing while dancing (look at those lyrics floating in the frame!) but didn't find it in dialouges. Never thought it was a translation discrepancy
insomniacocoon: I never would’ve discovered one of my favorite songs of all time if Inouesatoh translated the lyrics/didn’t mention the title! It’s a fantastic song, I’d love to edit the pages with the music (also feel free to reply in Chinese lmao, my Chinese is shit but I can still read it hahah)
2 years ago
It's the kind of song that makes you dance and swing, like a power to drive the body💃🏻
Sambas do that to you :-D, and the chords are arranged in such a unique way, it becomes so melancholy when paired with the lyrics...
2 years ago
在这个场景里,唱歌的大叔是出生于巴西的法国人,铃木是出生于古巴的日本人,杉木大部分都人生都在英国度过,对于他们而言“流离故土”或“思乡”这个话题很微妙,对吧?不过,我更倾向于认为井上老师是被BossaNova爵士乐浪漫奔放又热情洋溢的听感给骗了🤣 她之前也曾经误以为estrellita是首苦闷的曲子吧
2 years ago

至於歌名被拿掉,應該是因為排版的關係。要把Samba de Orly整串字轉90度才能和台詞一起塞進對話框。不知道是翻譯的問題或是編輯該負責的地方。
2 years ago

kniomi: 台詞同時有中英文的確會比較麻煩,但第6話的Fly Me To The Moon是有被留住的。會不會是因為這首比較有名呢⋯? https://images.plurk.com/21IRR4LAaoFSa3hTOxfoCF.jpg
kniomi: 雜誌裡連載的版本好像有寫出歌名和作者,我是靠那個才找到的。單行本把字刪掉了但至少曲名還留著^_^
insomniacocoon: 井上有可能是因為這個才選這首歌曲吧,Marcel是巴西人這個細節應該也不是巧合。不去特別找歌詞的話還真的會以為是首快樂的曲子哈哈。
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chlorine_tangerine: OK 感谢指路😘
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