Set ships are Ichigo/Atobe/Renji (bleach), Ishida/Inoue/Yolei, Kabaji/Chad, and TK/Kari.
[yes, I am leaning hard into Ishida and Ichijouji Ken having the same voice in the English dub and making them the same person]
I'm not familiar enough with Bleach or Digimon 02 to help. but I'm rooting you on!
Have you planned out who from Bleach is gonna be involved? Like is it just Ichigo’s friend group?
Well, I am altering the outcome of the fina arc so that only Yamamoto kicks it from the Shinigami side of things. And making Urahara the new head captain whether he likes it or not. But I am open to other options outside the Karakura gang. It’s a soulmate trope fic, where your soulmate’s name is on the inside of your left wrist.
Oooooh I only ask because having Kenpachi causing chaos in the distance is just a really great trope
I do adore that. Roommate suggested having Kenpachi as Ichigo’s therapist, also. Which is its own brand of chaos
Kenpachi is just a great harbinger of chaos.
LOL not sure how that would help.... XD
Right? Not sure he’s a great choice for a therapist. Lol
But he may just try to adopt Akaya
I’m canon blind to PoT, but I support him adopting anyone.
I’m almost home, then we gotta feed dad and do his insulin and then I can Do Things.
kenpachi’s new gremlin child
He canonly has a “demon mode” where his eyes turn red and he gets super aggressive
let's not get into Akaya's ridiculousness XD
He is an unrepentant chaos gremlin, and I love him for it lol
mostly, I've been Canon updating and let's say Konomi has done my imp so wrong
I know nothing of ShinPuri beyond angel mode
lol, it was kinda hinted that he doesn't get the Captain position in his third year and to me, that is so wrong D:
I hate myself for it, but once the U-17 World Cup started, Shin Tenipuri actually got good again??!?!
Um, exCUSE ME?! Who TF could be captain other than him?! HOW DARE MY BABY GREMLIN BE ROBBED
We have a friend who can get us a month of funination for free, so we’re going to use it in April and binge shinpuri
the world cup arc should be coming this year. but Yes, apparently he becomes Vice Captain, with Tamagawa becoming captain.
Who the absolute fuck is that
he's nice?!?! but like...
the actual fuck?!
I do recommend the Game of Future movie on Funimation. it's good. but like...I mean. I guess Sanada and Kirihara have more parallels than Akaya and Yukimura...
the other option is Yukimura knew Akaya would go far on the International circuit and didn't want to leave Rikkai without a good Captain.
That would be like ten seconds of dialogue. Why can’t we have that? Gdi, Konomi
yeaaah. I'm hoping it's the latter
also, I can't be too mad at Shin Tenipuri. It gave me the room 205 dynamic, and I'm living for that friendship
The pillow fight when Yuuta gets hit standing in the hall. I still remember that scene
XD someone made the worst mistake of their life, doing that in front of Fuji
It was prob Mizuki, whether he was guilty or not.
I mean. Yeah. Whoever it was had the whole poison plant room on them XD